Thursday, February 16, 2012

Give Me Summer

I Wrote this Tutorial and any resemblance to others is purely a coincidence. Please do NOT claim this as your own or put it on any website with out written permission from me.
The beautiful Scrap kit I am using is "Give me Summer" by Zlata and can be bought here 
and I am using the Awesome artwork By "PinUpToons" and can be bought at CDO here
For this tut you will need 2 tubes of choice,by the same artist..
Mask of choice, I used Babes designz mask #18,but any round one will do. 
My supplies here
Font of choice: I used Absolution
2 Colors from tube.
Drop Shadow= DS= 2,2,50,5 black
Lets get started..1st we're going to make the flower basket.
Canvas 800X800, Hold Shift, D..this will duplicate the canvas..
1.) Working with 1 canvas, El 21- resize (R) 30% 
2.) we're going to add some flowers, so just pick out some and have fun..this is how I did mine.
El-22-(R) 30% and 70%...move to right side,duplicate and mirror.
El-25 (R) 30% and 70%,move it to the right and place under the flower,duplicate--mirror, I made 3 {Tag reference}= (TR)
El-23--30%,80%,and on the leaves,and duplicate a few X's.
El-31--(R) 30% & 80% place in middle and mirror.
now close bottom 2 layers and Merge Visible (MV) the flowers..
Open the basket layer and then duplicate the flowers and place below the basket layer. Working on top layer of flowers,go to Selection tools and get your Freehand Selection tool--point to point-- add shift--feather 1--smoothing 0--anti-alias carefully go around the parts of the flowers that are hanging down so that it looks like the flowers are in the basket..(TR) once done add DS to bottom flowers and on basket..
3.) El-10 Bow--(R) 20% & 80% 4X' on basket..Now MV. (R) 80% X's 3-Adjust=Sharpness-Unsharp Mask
4.) Working on the other Canvas, get the grass from my supplies.Copy and Paste (C&P) as New Rastor Layer (NRL), duplicate so that it goes all the way across..Merge Down (MD)
(C&P) your flower basket as (NRL) and move it to the left side.
5.)El-40--(R) 37% & 80% Unsharp mask
6.) With magic wand- click on the inside of your frame--Selections-Modify--expand 4
7.) (C&P) Paper 9 (R) 19% as (NRL) place over the frame, on frame layer invert,on paper layer--hit delete on keyboard. now crop--layer opaque--move nodes so they are on the edge of canvas,and your #'s are still add (DS) to both paper and frame layers
8.) (C&P) Tube as (NRL) move it under the frame, and either take your freehand sel. tool or your Eraser and remove any part of the tube that is outside of the frame.
9.) Duplicate tube--adjust - blur - gaussian 5...Blend mode= multiply==Opacity=90 and (MD) On tube layer--Luminance (legacy) Close out background,flowers and grass and MV..Tube and frame layers. Open closed layers.
10.) El-43-(R) 45 & 80 X2--(C&P as NRL)Place top left behind the frame layer
11.) El- 2 (R) 40% & 80% X4 (C&P as NRL)Mirror and place on top of the net (TR) cut off the bottom half.
12.) El-14--(R) 30% & 80% 3X's--Unsharp amsk- (DS) Duplicate and (R) 80% place below top flower, Duplicate this layer and (R) 80%,place it under 2nd flower. (TR)
13.) El-52-- (R) 30 % and 80% (C&P as NRL) place it under the net layer (TR)
14.) El-54 (R) 30% & 80% X2--Place on top of leaves to the left(under flowers) (DS) (TR)
15.) El-38 (R) 30% & 80% X2 --(C&P as NRL) and place beside flower basket
16.) El-12 (R) 20% & 80% X3 unsharp mask,duplicate a few X's and place them on the bottom around the flower basket.
17.) Close the Bkgrnd layer and MV all layers.
18.) (C&P) Paper 1 or Paper of Choice---(R) 23 % as (C&P as NRL) place above the Background layer
Now add Mask of choice...Delete mask-and ungroup layers.
Merge Visible..
19.) Resize 63% and add all Copy Rights info, and Name.
Save as a PNG.
I would like to see anything you make, please send them to my addy.

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